Artjunkie Wins another Trademark Victory against All Saints Retail.
On the 28th September 2009 Artjunkie applied for a trademark known as Sacred Saint with a human skull and Mohawk devise application number 2527075 in class 25 clothing, footwear, Head gear.
The application was opposed by All Saints Retail oposition number 100052 on grounds of the word Saints and they claimed that the both brand and devises were similar and accused Artjunkie of Passing of.

How ever the Intellectual Property Office Hearing officer George Salthouse chaired the hearing and looked at all the Evidence presented by both parties this to include witness statements from Timothy Paul Evans Production Director for All Saints Clothing.
George Salthouse hearing officer for the Intellectual Property Office concluded that Artjunkie had presented evidence that he had been using the Sacred Saint mark from 2000 five years earlier than All saints Ram Logo, so concluded that Artjunkie Trademark was the senior mark holder and went on to say that Artjunkie trademark application should go to registration on the Intellectual Property Office registry.
All Saints lost there oposition case against Artjunkie on the 19th May 2011.
All Saints was ordered to pay cost to Artjunkie in the sum £1500.00.
Once again showing that Large Retail companies trying to monoplise and use bulling tactic on small deigners to gain control over certain Marks.
In this case how ever All Saints failed and Tony Knight of Artjunkie once again defended himself against the global gaint All Saints Retail and coming out the victor.
All information is correct when published and was provided by Intellectual Property Office, and Tony Knight. We contacted All Saints to discuss the outcome but they declined to make a statement.